Exactly What Does a Basic 1 Year Food Storage for 1 Person Look Like?
These are the MINIMUM Basic Amounts of Food Needed for Survival for ONE PERSON for ONE YEAR:
Grain 400 lbs
Legumes 60 lbs
Powdered Milk 16 lbs
Cooking Oil 10 Quarts
Sugar 60 lbs
Salt 8 lbs
Water 14 Gallons (2 week supply)
(I have a photo but it will not upload, will try again later)!
Food Storage COST for ONE PERSON for ONE YEAR: (Approximate)
Grains $200
Legumes $75
Instant Milk $94
Cooking Oil $44
Sugar $120
Salt $3
PLUS $70 shelf = $600
NOTE: There are LOTS of places you can buy food and supplies. This list is intended as a basic outline to show general amounts, locations, and prices of food. The important thing is to DO SOMETHING.
Food Storage Prices and Locations (as of 1/7/09)
All prices are approximate.
White Wheat Walton Wheat #50 for $25.55
Legumes (various) Winco #25 for $20 - $25 depending on variety
Powdered Milk Walton $94.00 for 22.5 lbs in six #10 cans
Cooking Oil Winco $3.65 for Quart Size
Sugar Winco $2.00 lb
Salt Winco $.33 Pound
Steel Shelf Sam’s Club $70.00
The following quotes come from talks
on the Church’s website, providentliving.org
“Encourage our members to regularly put into their home storage a few wholesome, basic food items and some water that is safe to drink. They should save some money, if only a few coins each week. This modest approach will soon enable them to have several months’ reserve. Over time they can expand these modest efforts into a longer-term supply by adding such essentials as grains, legumes, and other staples that will keep them alive in case they do not have anything else to eat. As we do our very best, we can be confident that ‘the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail.’ We shall enjoy greater wisdom, security, peace of mind, and personal well-being. We shall be prepared, and because we are prepared, we shall not fear.”
Bishop Keith McMullin, Lay up in Store, General Conference, April 2007
“As we have been continuously counseled for more than 60 years, let us have some food set aside that would sustain us for a time of need...I do not wish to sound negative, but I wish to remind you of the warnings of scripture and the teachings of the prophets which we have had constantly before us. I cannot forget the great lesson of Pharaoh’s dream of the fat and lean kine and of the full and withered stalks of corn.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley, The Times in Which We Live, General Conference, October 2001
“ As long as I can remember, we have been taught to prepare for the future and to obtain a year’s supply of necessities. I would guess that the years of plenty have almost universally caused us to set aside this counsel. I believe the time to disregard this counsel is over. With events in the world today, it must be considered with all seriousness.”
Elder L. Tom Perry, If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear, General Conference, October 1995
“Recent surveys of Church members have shown a serious erosion in the number of families who have a years supply of life’s necessities. Most members plan to do it. Too few have begun.”
Thomas S. Monson, Guiding Principles of Personal and Family Welfare, Ensign, September 1986
“The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah.”
Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, November 1980, p. 33
Please Start Tomorrow…
(Or better yet: TODAY!)