Sunday, September 28, 2008

Relief Society General Conference Highlights!

For those of you who did not, could not attend General RS Conference last night, here are a few highlights:

Sister Julies B. Beck talked about the history and importance of the Relief Society organization. It's purpose, when organized through Joseph Smith, was to Organize, Teach, and Aspire His daughters (Heavenly Father) to prepare them for the blessings of eternity. Each of us has three responsibilities as Relief Society sisters
1. Increase faith and Personal Righteousness
2. Strengthen Home and Family and
3. Serve the Lord and His children
She had a sense of urgency in explaining that the Home should be a place of refuge from the evils our children come in contact with every day. We can do the work of the Lord if we seek, pray, listen and act on the promptings of the spirit. It really was a wonderful talk.

Sister Silvia Allred spoke on "Temple Worship" and why it is important to build temples, attend, and live worthy to serve in the temple.

Sister Barbara Thompson spoke on again the history and prupose of the Relief Society Organization and how service in the church, in whatever capacity, magnifies and strengthens each and every one of us. We, through visiting teaching and other activities nourish each sister through the Good Word of God. She said now is the time to step up, be strong, Declare the Truth, and live so people know we love our Heavenly Father!

President Utchdorf talked about two qualities our Heavenly Father has that we need to emulate: He is a God of Creation and Compassion. He said sometimes the sisters undermine their abilities, They stress on the little imperfections instead of focusing on the successes! Everyone can create. We are made in the image of our Heavenly Father, who is a neverending creator. We, as mothers, assist in the creation of each child we carry. We provide nourishment and attend to the physical and emotional needs of His Children. (I had never thought of it that way before and thought this was a really sweet experience we get to have as women)!Don't let fear of failure discourage you. Start small and grow from there.
Being compassionate is a fundamental of our Heavenly Father and each of us. As we serve and uplift others blessings our poured upon us and we are uplifted as well. Like President Hinckley was told, "Forget yourself, get up and go to work"! There is plenty of work to do and we are surrounded by opportunites to serve. But as we serve we should not seek for position. He reminded us that Christ, although a King, never sought for position or power. He went among the people, preaching the Gospel, healing the sick. He also said Greatness has little to do with our position in life or the accomplishments we have, by way of career. He said "Happiness is our Heritage".

Is was a really great conference session and what a great way to start it off! I am excited to hear what our Brethren will say this next week! Stay strong and Declare the Truth!

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