Friday, April 24, 2009

Thoughts from my experience in the "Savior of the World" Production

Cast members, Production Crew, Friends, Visitors-

It has been such an honor to work with so many wonderful people these last few months on a beautiful and much needed production. I have seen many versions of "Savior of the World" but being a part of it all this time has greatly left an imprint on my heart! From auditions through these last days of performances, there has always been evident the sweet feelings of the Spirit. I am so thankful that President Holland went to the Lord to seek approval and confirmation that this production was supposed to happen!
Ever since I read the cast list, I have been so emotional. I have been honored and have felt a little inadequate to be portraying Mary Magdalene. I guess I feel comfort in knowing she was not perfect, as I am not perfect, but was still so very close to our Savior! As I have taken the time to read and study the scriptural accounts of the events of Jesus' life and of our Savior visiting the people's of the Americas in 3 Nephi, I have learned so much about our Savior! I have read these passages before but as we all know, each time we read this wonderful history we learn more! He is so compassionate and loving, even in His last moments on the cross, "Father Forgive them, for they know not what they do(Luke 23:34)", to the repentant thieve next to Him on the cross, "Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise(Luke 23:40-43)". In the visiting of the Americas, Had had compassion on them and tarried a little longer to bless the children and the sick and afflicted. He suffered more than any of us will ever know! We cannot even imagine the pain and agony He experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane, or on the cross of calvary. One so perfect, without sin, yet sent to die among the sinners, but how glorious was the day of His resurrection!
As I kneel at the opening of the tomb, I think of not only my Savior, but of my loved ones who have passed on before. I think of the longing I have to see them again, and just talk with them, embrace them. The words in "Where is He this Morn" tell the story and the feelings of Mary so well. " Where is He who walked with us?, ...Where is He who knelt alone? Who for us did bleed. Where is He who Gave HIS life, for our cause to Plead?..." He said "Look on Me, Follow Me, Come to Me, I am the way?...Where is He who dried the tears of the suffering soul? Where is He who stayed our Fears, He who made us Whole? He who healed the broken heart, He who calmed the Storm. He who came to Save us All..."! You can see why it is so hard to keep the tears back when you apply these words to your own life, or maybe the lives of those you love who are suffering or have gone astray, or even those who have not had the opportunity to hear and accept the Gospel!
I have many favorite parts of the show: when the angel Gabriel appears to Mary, when she says, "Behold the Handmaid of the Lord...", when she sings "I will praise His name", when the shepherds see the star and hear the angels proclamation of the Savior's birth, when doubtful Thomas sees the Lord and feels the prints in His hands, in the finale, and so many more very powerful moments. My favorite, when I turn and see the Savior standing there. Will I really know His voice when He calls my name? And then to go rejoicing that He has risen again and tell all the world! This is my mission, our mission on this earth, to testify of Him through our actions, words, music and powerful productions such as "Savior of the World"! I am so grateful for this opportunity, and to have met so many wonderful people in this great valley! You have all touched my heart and shared your testimonies so willingly! I pray there may be another chance to put on this production again! I have been felt from many that this performance is reaching the hearts.
I know without a shadow of a doubt that God lives and that He and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph in the sacred grove, restoring the Gospel on the earth. I have a testimony of the truthfulness of the scriptures, for what we can learn from them. I know that President Monson is called of God to lead us in this day, and am so grateful for him and his wisdom. I have a testimony of the Power of Prayer, it is our gift to talk with the Lord through Prayer. I have a testimony of Temples and the great work done within those walls, that families can and will be together forever. I am grateful for a husband who has the power of the priesthood and for my two girls! How much I love them. Finally, I know that my Redeemer lives, that he suffered for me and for all, so we could have the opportunity to receive mortal bodies, be tried and tested to see if we will do all things He asks of us. That He broke the bands of death so we would live forever with Him in celestial glory through repentance and obedience to His commandments. I know He knows each of us by name and pray when He calls mine that I will be ready, to hear and know my shepherds voice. May we always bear testimony and praise God for the great gift of His Son, our Brother and Savior, in the name of Him, even Jesus Christ, Amen!

With Love

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